Box of Art Creations!

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Re: Box of Art Creations!

Post by MauEvig » Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:11 am

I hope so too Murf! Keeping my fingers crossed.

Plus people seemed to like my painted acorns for some reason. The funny part is they didn't really cost me anything. I just picked them up at the College campus and painted them. They were just going to go with that little pumpkin house but the person who bought that didn't want them all. I gave one away, and sold the rest for a buck each. So I'm experimenting with the rest I had set aside, and I may pick up more to paint later. This week I'm planning on selling some earrings as well.
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Re: Box of Art Creations!

Post by Murfreesboro » Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:40 am

Wow, $1 each for found acorns! That's a great profit margin! Woohoo!

You might want to look at the October issue of Woman's Day. They have a great section on pumpkin decorating, very imaginative stuff. I want to make the vampire pumpkin myself. But they have one photo of a cat, made out of gourds, chasing mice made from radishes. I thought about you when I saw it.

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Re: Box of Art Creations!

Post by MauEvig » Sun Sep 27, 2015 7:29 pm

So yesterday I went to the last Farmer's market of the year. This time they had it in an elementary school building in a gym since they were hosting their fall festival/fair thing. (they served some great food in the cafeteria, and I had some of the best hot Apple Cider you could ever try! It was like drinking apple pie. It was that good.)

I made a whole bunch more of those little "pumpkin jack o lantern" acorns, I think about 8-9 or so of them, I found some teeny tiny ones, and I charged $1 for the bigger ones and $.50 for the tiny ones. They went like hot cakes! The kids especially got a real kick out of them. Wish I had more to give out. I had other acorn creations, but they took more effort so I charged more for them. Didn't sell any...but I think since they were small and a dollar they were appealing for the kids. A few grown ups were interested in them too. They are great if you work in an office and want a little something to sit on your flat screen monitor. I couldn't believe how popular they were! They liked them better than my hand painted pumpkins. :lol:

I agree though Murf that is a pretty good profit margin! I think I got about $8.50 out of them. I couldn't believe it. And here all I did was pick them up at the college and paint them! :D

I also took a flower pot and painted it to look like a jack o lantern. That was the first thing to go. $5.00 I got for it. The flower pot didn't cost me anything, there's a whole bunch of them in the basement that were left here that I'm not using.

Someone suggested painting saw blades. I've seen people do stuff like that before. I could probably do country themes for those. So I might consider going around to yard sales and seeing what I can find.

Someone also gave me a flyer for a Community Event which won't cost me anything to set up. So I might consider going to that. There's also a craft show coming up...I heard craft shows are pretty strict though. I'd have to really get a lot of stuff ready if I go to something like that.

As far as Woman's day goes I'll have to see. I already bought a fall themed magazine this year, but maybe I can look at one in the store. :lol:
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Re: Box of Art Creations!

Post by Murfreesboro » Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:28 am

I think it's very encouraging and fun that you are earning a place in the community of craft-fair folks. Those little acorns sound very imaginative!

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Re: Box of Art Creations!

Post by MauEvig » Sat Sep 02, 2023 10:53 pm

I have a new design out for Halloween on my Red Bubble store! :)

Check it out!

I hope to have more before the season is over, I have more design ideas but I hope I'll have time to finish them before Halloween! I want to get as much out before October so I can advertise. :)

Here's the design, it's available on a tee shirt, mug, sticker, water bottle, pet blanket and MORE! :)


I also have a tee public account and I plan to upload this to tee public soon. :)

Of course my old designs are on there, but I think I've improved since 2015...I hope anyway. :lol:
Murfreesboro wrote: Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:28 am I think it's very encouraging and fun that you are earning a place in the community of craft-fair folks. Those little acorns sound very imaginative!
You know, I can't remember if I ever did go to that craft fair. :lol:
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Re: Box of Art Creations!

Post by Murfreesboro » Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:01 am

That kitty is very cute!

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Re: Box of Art Creations!

Post by MauEvig » Sun Sep 03, 2023 10:32 am

Thank you, Murf! I worked really hard on this one. :) I was proud of how it turned out.
I definitely think it's an improvement over some of my older designs.

I have a Tee Public account too now, and I put the design on there as well! :) ... _id=395746
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Re: Box of Art Creations!

Post by MauEvig » Sat Sep 16, 2023 8:16 pm

I now have a ko-fi account, check it out! ^^

Now if you'd like a commission from me or just want to support my work, you can do so through my ko-fi account. ^^

I'm also looking at new options to sell my art besides Redbubble and Tee Public. A friend of mine told me about printify. I may look into that, along with etsy and other options. I'm open to suggestions about getting my art out there.
Nocturnal Purr-Fection

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