Well said Murf. Here is my opinion on aging.
My grandaunt is currently 99, and back when she was in her 70s we had a conversation about aging, and how most women lie about their age because they have been programmed to live in denial. She said that a REAL woman is thankful for the years that the good Lord has given her, and she is thankful for every line and wrinkle on her body, and for the days she has lived.
I absolutely agree with her on this, and both my wife and I have chosen to age naturally. I have said before that I prefer the natural look on women, my wife only wears makeup for holidays and special occasions, and it's one of the reasons that I was first attracted to her. Another reason is because she has the longest, most beautiful black hair that I've ever seen, when I met her it was in the middle of her back, now it's passed her butt and is near her thighs, though she always wears it in a long braid for safety and sanitary reasons at work. I mention her hair because both of us are starting to get grey hair, and we love it. Her friends want her to color her hair, but she won't do it. Actually, even my doctor has said that I should dye my hair and beard because he, and most men do it, but I said that I'm happy the way I am.
Both my wife and I are putting on some weight, and it's a natural part of aging. The other day one of my friends said that my wife is getting chubby, well guess what? she has had 2 kids, and she runs a bakery ... of course she's chubby! and I wouldn't have it any other way. You know the old saying right? chubby girls keep you warm at night.

By the way, that friend is single, and has been for years, I guess he is one of those pathetic men that's waiting for a anorexic super model to fall in love with him, and that's why he is going to die alone.
As the parents to 2 young girls, both my wife and I have to make sure that they grow up with self confidence and that they love themselves for who they are, and not what other people want them to be. They are constantly being shown by the media what is expected of them, this illusion of perfection that doesn't exist. We teach them to think for themselves, and to appreciate the fact that our time here is limited, and to be thankful for being here.
Now here comes the cold hard truth, I understand why most people, women in particular, lie about their age and are in denial about getting older, it's because they have been manipulated by society and the media from the day they are born to be ashamed of aging, they are told that they must stay young to remain relevant, and that after you are past a certain age that you aren't attractive anymore, then they trick these weak minded fools into buying beauty products, and doing skin care routines that don't even work, in a feeble attempt to chase the mythical fountain of youth.
Then there are some women that just buy their fake youth, this can be through plastic surgery like Dolly Parton and Cher that both bought their fake faces, or like most women in society today that get fake boobs, butts, lips, and anything else that they can buy. There are also the women that put on a fake look when they go out like fake nails, hair extensions, and the most disgusting, fake eyelashes.
I mean, something is seriously wrong with our society if they can control people's emotions and make them feel ashamed for something as natural as getting older. But I guess that's the world we live in, there will always be the weak minded people with no self confidence that seek validation from others by fishing for compliments about their appearance because they they still need to feel young.
There are many natural ways to still feel young as you get older, eat healthy, stay active, and as I've mentioned before, both my grandaunt and mother have said that it's about your state of mind, if you feel like a old piece of c-r-a-p because society tells you to, then you're a old piece of c-r-a-p. If you feel like you can do anything regardless of your age, then the sky is the limit, it's up to you.