Search found 32 matches

by Son-of-Thing
Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:37 pm
Forum: Halloween General
Topic: Whats your weather like
Replies: 111
Views: 149946

Re: Whats your weather like

It's a "BladeRunner" day...

(Also, great weather to spool-up "The Big Sleep", and resume noodling out who really shot Geiger, did-in Owen Taylor, and what Marlowe and the Bookstore Girl really were up to that rainy afternoon...)

The Crawling Thing...
by Son-of-Thing
Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:05 pm
Forum: Halloween General
Topic: SCROOGED Your Halloween movie for December/Christmas time
Replies: 3
Views: 9061

Re: SCROOGED Your Halloween movie for December/Christmas time

"Scrooged" is great fun for the holiday library -- I screen it every year, and also recommend it heartily. My traditional No.1 fave, however, remains the Alistair Sim version of "A Christmas Carol" ('51). No Scrooge has ever excelled Sim's dour-through-manic transformation so com...
by Son-of-Thing
Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:21 pm
Forum: Off Topic Stuff
Topic: Who's your favorite actor?
Replies: 14
Views: 25137

Shout out for: Vincent Price (repetoire) Frank Langella (Dracula) Peter Cushing (repetoire) Christopher Lee (Hammer repetoire, LOTR II&III) Boris Karloff (repetoire) Fay Wray (Kong) Ricou Browning (the swimming Creature FTBL) Tony Randall (Dr. Lao) Don Knotts (The Ghost & Mr. Chicken) Lionel...
by Son-of-Thing
Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:05 am
Forum: Halloween General
Topic: Need some Postive thoughts and Prayers
Replies: 43
Views: 52430

(More than some "people", perhaps? Some people may be human, but far-from-qualify as "beings"...)
by Son-of-Thing
Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:58 am
Forum: Halloween General
Topic: For The Love of Black Cats & All Other Halloween Critter
Replies: 183
Views: 191159

(That would be telling, Number 6...)
by Son-of-Thing
Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:14 am
Forum: Halloween General
Topic: Need some Postive thoughts and Prayers
Replies: 43
Views: 52430

For what it's worth, HH, I went through something similar at about your boy's age, and, aside from acquiring the sort of "eccentric" proclivities I seem to see in abundance around here (and which he may, let's face it, already have inherited anyway, "Headless"), got beyond it wit...
by Son-of-Thing
Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:56 am
Forum: Halloween General
Topic: For The Love of Black Cats & All Other Halloween Critter
Replies: 183
Views: 191159

Pleasure to chime in, Dutchess. Here at the "House of Creatures" we have many "familiar" friends on four legs (and some with other means of locomotion), and a world without them would be no fit world at all. I can't fathom those mortals who think that animals are "automatic ...
by Son-of-Thing
Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:01 pm
Forum: Halloween Commercial Announcements
Topic: 2008 "Crumpkin's Pumpkins" Calendars arise...
Replies: 0
Views: 18594

2008 "Crumpkin's Pumpkins" Calendars arise...

"Think Halloween comes but once a year? Now you've new cause to fear -- because our Creepy Calendar will always keep it near...!" I'm dreadfully happy with the delightfully lethal look of the new 2008 "Crumpkin's Pumpkins" Calendar, and am proud to post a link to it here -- http:...
by Son-of-Thing
Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:28 pm
Forum: Halloween General
Topic: my new banner from OEJ
Replies: 98
Views: 113645

(Damn, that cat's funny, OEJ...)
by Son-of-Thing
Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:23 pm
Forum: Halloween General
Topic: For The Love of Black Cats & All Other Halloween Critter
Replies: 183
Views: 191159

I actually care quite a bit for my banana-flavored meds (with the frozen mango chunks, orgeat, and, oh yes, Pusser's), though after taking a few rounds I also sometimes end up on the floor... :wink: Glad to know your little tyke is progressing out of the woods nicely, Dutchess. Special thing to shar...
by Son-of-Thing
Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:06 pm
Forum: Halloween Entertainment
Topic: Sleepy Hallow
Replies: 25
Views: 42826

'Preciate that, OEJ. One thing's for sure, we'll see some amazing (and probably disturbing) visual craftsmanship. Also, I heard a brief bit of Johnny Depp singing one of Sweeny's numbers on the radio over the Thanksgiving weekend. He sounded a bit "Jack Sparrow-ish" -- not too surprising I...
by Son-of-Thing
Thu Nov 22, 2007 12:00 am
Forum: Halloween Entertainment
Topic: Sleepy Hallow
Replies: 25
Views: 42826

Burton is brilliant, but he's poisonous. If he gets too much control he murders his subject matter. I agree with Jadewick about "Sleepy Hollow". (Plus he's a precious little snob on the set. I know firsthand.) With all the financial and production resources available, Burton could've made ...
by Son-of-Thing
Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:45 pm
Forum: Halloween General
Topic: New member Introduction [old]
Replies: 1287
Views: 1326752

Hey CB --

I dig your sig.

*SNAP! -- SNAP!* ( You know -- "Da-Da-Da-DA **)

I'm new here myself, but already feelin' nicely webbed-in. You're sure to be in good company. Great crew here.

Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving all!

by Son-of-Thing
Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:39 pm
Forum: Halloween Recipe Chat
Topic: "Lumpy Crumpkin's Punished Pumpkin Pie"
Replies: 3
Views: 10732

Thank you most sincerely, OEJ & Kallie! Yes, my site is my own, with a little custom-javascript from a couple of geniuses who actually know how to write javascript. I stick to the story, dialogue and artwork, overall design, and wrangle the minor demons around the pumpkins patch. Very glad to he...
by Son-of-Thing
Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:03 pm
Forum: Halloween Recipe Chat
Topic: "Lumpy Crumpkin's Punished Pumpkin Pie"
Replies: 3
Views: 10732

"Lumpy Crumpkin's Punished Pumpkin Pie"

My pale bride Libby contributed a nice recipie for "Lumpy Crumpkin's Punished Pumpkin Pie", at the Crumpkin's Pumpkins Gift Shoppe -- (DSL-or-+ broadband required) (click on the tasty-looking punkin' pie slice -- but watch out. Heh-heh...